Month: February 2014

What Does Flawless Mean to You ?

Being Flawless isn’t about being perfect. Being  Flawless comes from a sense of being the best YOU that YOU can be. To many times are we as women subjected to social media and entertainments perception of beauty.

 And lets all be honest , how many times have you wish to look like the model on the cover of your favorite magazine? To think about it, just yesterday I said to myself ” I wish I had her abs, and her breast.”

We all do it.

Today I challenge to look yourself in the mirror and decide today that you shall be FLAWLESSLY YOU!!!

Be Proud of yourself……..Because again only you can be you.


Ever wondered how cover models look the way they do ?

Click the link below for a video that is sure to blow your mind and make you give yourself a hug 🙂 swimsuit

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Sexy Six Pack Abs By the Summer

Want a Firm and Molded Core ? Are you ready for that bikini you have always dreamed about ? Well summer is vastly approaching and Spring break is literally around the corner .

What are you doing today to get what you want out of tomorrow?

When it comes to toning our core to build a sexy six pack three things are key.

1.Nutrition : Abs are formed in the Kitchen, eat clean and your body will pay you back for it.

2. Core stimulating exercises : get off the ground and switch things up, crunches and sit -ups are not the only AB targeting exercise.

3. Rest : Proper sleep and rest is essential to over all health, Allow your body to rest and recover with at least 1 day off a week

Here is a quick 10 minute Ab Crusher


Equipment Needed

  • Stability Ball
  • Medicine Ball
  • Bench

Sexy Ab Circuit

  • Stability Ball Pass
  • Pick Pockets
  • Bench Crunch (option: use medicine ball)

Complete 12-15 reps and repeat 3 times.

Click the image for video Instructions


(Pic is of Super Trainer @getfitwithnic)

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Have a Happy and Healthy Love Day …

Happy Valentine’s Day!

love day

High Protein Chocolate Cheesecake Cupcakes


Preheat Oven to 350’

  • 8 oz. Fat Free or Low Fat Cream Cheese
  • ¾ cup Low Fat Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Egg White
  • ¼ cup of Stevia
  • 1 Scoop of chocolate or vanilla Whey Protein Powder (30 g)
  • 3 TBLS. Baking Cocoa


Using a mixer, mix until creamy, then spray muffin pans with non-stick spray or baking cups, bake for 20 minutes, then refrigerate for 2-3 hours before serving. Lastly, you can add light cool whip on top! Then YUMMY Protein Cup Cakes!

Click the Picture below for video instructions !


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22 days Vegan


We have all joined the Beyonce and Jay- Z craze. whether it is their fashion forward wardrobe or unmatched musical talent, The Carters are influencing the world with their every move. Recently, The Most powerful couple in Entertainment embarked on a health journey by becoming vegans for 22 days.

the carters

What is veganism you may ask ?

Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines. Most vegans also avoid the use of all products tested on animals, as well as animal-derived non-food products, such as leather, fur and wool.
Vegan refers to either a person who follows this way of eating, or to the diet itself (

Why Vegan?

A whole foods plant-based diet is associated with healthy weight  and reduction of all of the so-called “diseases of affluence”,  diseases that kill those of us living in Western societies. The diseases of affluence include obesity, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and stroke. ( taken from

For more Info Check out THEPURVEGAN.COM

tracey glover

To gain more insight on changing your standard American diet and going VEGAN, Flawless Fitness LLC interviewed one of the many Yonce’ followers on their 22 days Vegan Journey.

Here is what she had to say

When did you decide to start your health and Fitness Journey ?

January 4, 2014

where did your inspiration for 22 days vegan come from ?

Beyonce & Jay Z, the documentaries Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, Super Size Me. The book Eat Right for Your Blood Type, Stay Young 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health.

What was your favorite meal ? (recipe optional)

Vegetable Stuffed Mushrooms. Portobello mushrooms  (corn, onions, green peppers, squash, mixed with spaghetti sauce stuffed inside the mushroom and topped with vegan cheese.)

What was your overall goal? Did you accomplish it ?

Better overall health, clearer skin, for my body to work at it optimal level, and to make a lifestyle change. Yes, even past the 22 day of being vegan I have learned to incorporate more fruits and vegetables and less meat in my diet.

Any words for someone who is considering the challenge ?

Being vegan is a lot easier than thinking about being vegan. A lot of your favorite foods are accidentally vegan and you don’t have to eliminate them from your diet. There are also a lot of vegan alternatives to almost everything.
Thanks Mrs.Love for your interview
Flawless Fit Tip
Substitute an unhealthy snack or meal with veggies and fruit, remember change happens one step at  time.
Don’t stress just change.
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