Sexy Six Pack Abs By the Summer

Want a Firm and Molded Core ? Are you ready for that bikini you have always dreamed about ? Well summer is vastly approaching and Spring break is literally around the corner .

What are you doing today to get what you want out of tomorrow?

When it comes to toning our core to build a sexy six pack three things are key.

1.Nutrition : Abs are formed in the Kitchen, eat clean and your body will pay you back for it.

2. Core stimulating exercises : get off the ground and switch things up, crunches and sit -ups are not the only AB targeting exercise.

3. Rest : Proper sleep and rest is essential to over all health, Allow your body to rest and recover with at least 1 day off a week

Here is a quick 10 minute Ab Crusher


Equipment Needed

  • Stability Ball
  • Medicine Ball
  • Bench

Sexy Ab Circuit

  • Stability Ball Pass
  • Pick Pockets
  • Bench Crunch (option: use medicine ball)

Complete 12-15 reps and repeat 3 times.

Click the image for video Instructions


(Pic is of Super Trainer @getfitwithnic)

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