
Budget Friendly Summer Meals

It’s Finally Summer !!! We have worked all year long to show off those awesome bodies and to continue to reach our Fitness goals. Our busy schedules are about to go into overdrive with Kids out of school Vacations to plan and take. Consequently Healthy Eating and Workouts can sometimes be hard to come by. With that being Said Flawless Fitness is here to Share Quick and Budget Friendly Summer meals that the whole family can enjoy while you stay true to you waistline !

Busy Moms know that time is of the essence when it comes to wrangling kids, your household and your body , throw in your husband and you have a full circus juggling act. 🙂 Quick and simple meals are a must to keep the day running smoothly.

Steak Burritos

Steak Burritos are a hit at my dinner table, the easy clean up and Low calorie count make them a go to favorite for this busy mom. This recipe has a serving count of 4 with a caloric count of  471 per serving. Additional Nutrition Facts are 16 grams of Fat ( 6 grams saturated and 5 g mono fats) , 63 Mg of Cholesterol , 49 grams of carbohydrates, 600mg of sodium ( optional ) 279 mg of Potassium, 7 grams of fiber and A whopping 31 grams of Protein .

Budget Friendly Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup prepared fresh salsa
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup instant brown rice
  • 1 15-ounce can black beans, preferably low-sodium, rinsed
  • 12 ounces strip steak, trimmed and thinly sliced crosswise
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 4 8-inch tortillas, preferably whole-wheat
  • 1/2 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup prepared guacamole or Smashed Avocado (My personal Favorite )
  • 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh cilantro (optional)

Flawless Quick Tip : Sprinkle Lime Juice on the Steak as it cooks to bring out more flavor in the meat without having to add extra seasoning (sodium) 🙂

Smooth Sailing Preparation

  1. Combine salsa and water in a small saucepan; bring to a boil. Stir in rice, reduce heat to a simmer, cover and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in beans, return to a simmer and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the rice is tender and most of the liquid is absorbed, about 5 minutes more.
  2. Meanwhile, sprinkle steak with pepper. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add steak and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned and cooked through, 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. To assemble, divide the steak among the tortillas and top with equal amounts of cheese, guacamole, cilantro and the rice mixture. Roll each tortilla up into a burrito.

Flawless Quick Tip: Grill burritos on both side to seal all that goodness together , Top with a spoon of salsa and Greek Yogurt for an Extra Kick 🙂

steak burittos

We’ve kept this home-style version a bit simpler to make and a whole lot healthier with brown rice, whole-wheat tortillas and reasonable serving sizes. We recommend wrapping it in foil—the traditional way to serve it—so you can pick the burrito up and eat it without it falling apart, peeling back the foil as you go. Serve with a simple salad and Spanish Style  Corn side

“Don’t Be Jealous , Be Flawless “


Spring Is Here!!!

March 20th is the official first day of Spring !!!!


Its time to whip out the flip-flops, Sun Dresses and Tank tops. Along with our more refreshing wardrobe, we can know enjoy some much need fresh air and Sun Light.

Here is a  Flawless Tip : The Sunshine Vitamin

The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is important for growth and maintaining a healthy body.  It is an immune system regulator, and various studies have found that low levels of vitamin D can mean a higher risk developing cancer or suffering a heart attack. There are not many foods that contain vitamin D naturally; eggs and oily fish are notable exceptions. The best and most effective way to receive vitamin D is through sunlight exposure. Sunlight is the only source of vitamin D that your body stops creating when it has enough and de-metabolizes any extra, ensuring you have just the right levels of vitamin D that you need.

* Sun Block is a vital necessity don’t be fooled by your natural skin color Everyone should protect themselves ! Enjoy and Be Safe !!!!


How will you be enjoying this Spring Season ?

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle Part III

Keep Records

We do it for managing our schedules and our budgets, so why not  keep a record of your food intake. Sure it may seem like an added chore to your long to do list But it can be very  EFFECTIVE . And the good news is that you don’t have to keep records of your eating forever. Just long enough to notice your eating habits and trends along with common mistakes you may make along the way.

I use a simple food journal I found on the internet

Click the Image below to access a food journal

keepm records

You could also use any diet tracker app on your smartphone ,Come on we all have one 🙂  

Click the image below for smartphone apps to help you track your eating

health app

Flawless Fit Tip

Eat and track as you go, its much easier to remember what you are eating while you are doing it, verses waiting until the end of the day. Remain Accountable to yourself for yourself.

Click the Image  below for recipes that are healthy and quick to prepare

healthy cooking

Have any questions or Topic Ideas  that you would like to share?

Then feel free to fill out the form below , I would love to hear from you.



 2014 is starting off with a Huge bang the Re-Launch of Fit Life Fitness Now to be known as FLAWLESS FITNESS LLC. I look forward to headlining This years Fitness Empire here in Mobile, Al. With  all the support of Clients, Family and Friends we are proud to say that we have several events in the making. we are offering a 21 day fitness challenge that begins Monday Jan 13, 2014, you may participate Virtually or on site. For more info Please Fill out the contact form.

Flawless Fitness