
Dreams do come True….

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Happy Thursday to
Everyone….. My oh My it has been sometime since our last post, My apologies to our readers. In the past month I have trained hard , fell out track , got back on track and Got engaged 🙂 Yes Engaged !!!! So now My mission Is to be the fittest Bride to ever grace the Aisle !

If your Big day is approaching here are some Tips and Guides I have been using to be a “Fit Little Bride “

Lift Hard and Heavy …. Yes ladies when lifting weights in the gym don’t be afraid to add the weight on . Heavy weights build lean and clean muscle.

Arm and Back workout

3x 12 Deadlifts

3x 12 Bent-over Rows

3x 12 Single-Arm Cable Row

3x 12 Lat Pulldown

3 x 16 Bicep Barbell Curls

3x 16 Cable Tricep pushdowns

3 x 16 Bicep Preacher Curls

3 x 16 Dumbbell Kickbacks

Cardio Burns Fat …..Its simple the more you move the less you weigh so ladies train those legs in the way that they should go 🙂

Leg and Cardio Circuit

Warm Up

5-minute ride on the recumbent bike

Leg Workout

3 x 12 Barbell Squats

3 x 12-15 Single Leg Squats

3 x 12 Leg Extension

3 x 15 Bridge Leg Curls

3 x 20 Skater Lunges

Cardio (machine of choice)

Warm up with 2 minutes at low resistance
Complete six rounds of:

20 seconds fast with high resistance (Work/High Intensity)

2 minutes of slow with low resistance (Recovery/Low Intensity)

Cool Down

3 minutes on the bike

2 minutes stretching

perfect women

Ideas or Comments ? Leave Below

TO Cheat or Not to Cheat ?


Cheat days can be your best friend or your worst enemy. When cutting, bulking or simply slimming down cheat days are usually apart of your regiment. And lets face it, after 6 days of clean regimented eating a cheat day can be a god send.

(click the image above for 5 cheat meal tips)

For Example , My favorite cheat meal is Firehouse sub, Hook and Ladder on Wheat with Cajun mustard. Yes, Yes, Yes just the thought makes my heart smile 🙂

ff sub

What is your favorite Cheat meal?

Why Cheat ?

Why not Cheat ?

These are questions Id like our Flawless Fitness Audience to answer !!

Please provide us with your feedback !!!




Flawless Quickie :)

Beautiful behind

Many of us sit at a desk all day long, but in doing so it is important to get up and get active

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Spice up your glute workout and tone your tush by using props, like a chair in this Standing Glute Toner, or using your legs doing kicking movements in this Flying Side Kicks move.

Flawless Fit Tip:

When doing Squats Hold in the squat position for 3 seconds then repeat !!


Comment or Ideas

Sexy Six Pack Abs By the Summer

Want a Firm and Molded Core ? Are you ready for that bikini you have always dreamed about ? Well summer is vastly approaching and Spring break is literally around the corner .

What are you doing today to get what you want out of tomorrow?

When it comes to toning our core to build a sexy six pack three things are key.

1.Nutrition : Abs are formed in the Kitchen, eat clean and your body will pay you back for it.

2. Core stimulating exercises : get off the ground and switch things up, crunches and sit -ups are not the only AB targeting exercise.

3. Rest : Proper sleep and rest is essential to over all health, Allow your body to rest and recover with at least 1 day off a week

Here is a quick 10 minute Ab Crusher


Equipment Needed

  • Stability Ball
  • Medicine Ball
  • Bench

Sexy Ab Circuit

  • Stability Ball Pass
  • Pick Pockets
  • Bench Crunch (option: use medicine ball)

Complete 12-15 reps and repeat 3 times.

Click the image for video Instructions


(Pic is of Super Trainer @getfitwithnic)

Like What you see ? Leave  a comment below .

22 days Vegan


We have all joined the Beyonce and Jay- Z craze. whether it is their fashion forward wardrobe or unmatched musical talent, The Carters are influencing the world with their every move. Recently, The Most powerful couple in Entertainment embarked on a health journey by becoming vegans for 22 days.

the carters

What is veganism you may ask ?

Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines. Most vegans also avoid the use of all products tested on animals, as well as animal-derived non-food products, such as leather, fur and wool.
Vegan refers to either a person who follows this way of eating, or to the diet itself (

Why Vegan?

A whole foods plant-based diet is associated with healthy weight  and reduction of all of the so-called “diseases of affluence”,  diseases that kill those of us living in Western societies. The diseases of affluence include obesity, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and stroke. ( taken from

For more Info Check out THEPURVEGAN.COM

tracey glover

To gain more insight on changing your standard American diet and going VEGAN, Flawless Fitness LLC interviewed one of the many Yonce’ followers on their 22 days Vegan Journey.

Here is what she had to say

When did you decide to start your health and Fitness Journey ?

January 4, 2014

where did your inspiration for 22 days vegan come from ?

Beyonce & Jay Z, the documentaries Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, Super Size Me. The book Eat Right for Your Blood Type, Stay Young 10 Proven Steps to Ultimate Health.

What was your favorite meal ? (recipe optional)

Vegetable Stuffed Mushrooms. Portobello mushrooms  (corn, onions, green peppers, squash, mixed with spaghetti sauce stuffed inside the mushroom and topped with vegan cheese.)

What was your overall goal? Did you accomplish it ?

Better overall health, clearer skin, for my body to work at it optimal level, and to make a lifestyle change. Yes, even past the 22 day of being vegan I have learned to incorporate more fruits and vegetables and less meat in my diet.

Any words for someone who is considering the challenge ?

Being vegan is a lot easier than thinking about being vegan. A lot of your favorite foods are accidentally vegan and you don’t have to eliminate them from your diet. There are also a lot of vegan alternatives to almost everything.
Thanks Mrs.Love for your interview
Flawless Fit Tip
Substitute an unhealthy snack or meal with veggies and fruit, remember change happens one step at  time.
Don’t stress just change.
We’d love to hear from you!

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle part IIII

Move More

Have you ever had so much to do, but couldn’t manage to pull yourself out of bed ? We all have those days when our to do list alone exhaust us before we even lift a finger. But no matter how we may feel some things  just have to be  taken care of , Right?

So why is that we don’t put the same emphasis on our health and fitness, even when we don’t feel like it we should just “Keep Moving” ! Simple little changes such as parking at the back of the parking lot or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are all quick fixes we have heard before. But I am Challenging you today to try something new whether it is a  new zumba class or just a simple walk thru the neighborhood.

Just Remember to KEEP Moving !!!!


Flawless Fit Tip

Don’t get confined to the gym alone Break out and Try an outdoor fitness class at your local park or take the family for an afternoon walk. Let the fresh air sweep you off your Feet!

Click the Image Below to see fitness classes available  in your town


Have any questions or Topic Ideas  that you would like to share?

Then feel free to fill out the form below , I would love to hear from you.

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle Part III

Keep Records

We do it for managing our schedules and our budgets, so why not  keep a record of your food intake. Sure it may seem like an added chore to your long to do list But it can be very  EFFECTIVE . And the good news is that you don’t have to keep records of your eating forever. Just long enough to notice your eating habits and trends along with common mistakes you may make along the way.

I use a simple food journal I found on the internet

Click the Image below to access a food journal

keepm records

You could also use any diet tracker app on your smartphone ,Come on we all have one 🙂  

Click the image below for smartphone apps to help you track your eating

health app

Flawless Fit Tip

Eat and track as you go, its much easier to remember what you are eating while you are doing it, verses waiting until the end of the day. Remain Accountable to yourself for yourself.

Click the Image  below for recipes that are healthy and quick to prepare

healthy cooking

Have any questions or Topic Ideas  that you would like to share?

Then feel free to fill out the form below , I would love to hear from you.

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle part II

Think Positive


Have Empty or Half full its all your perception and outlook of


The same goes for healthy eating and exercising. Don’t Dwell on the foods you shouldn’t eat, instead find some interesting recipes to spice up your new eating habits.

Mix up your exercise routine with new and unconventional workouts. The fitness industry has sparked a new generation of unique and fun filled exercises that are sure to keep you motivated.

Flawless Fit Tip

Prepping your meals may seem a little strenuous but planning always keeps you on target.

Click the Link below for some easy meal prep tipsmeal prep

Have any questions or Topic Ideas  that you would like to share?

Then feel free to fill out the form below , I would love to hear from you.

Easy Steps to a healthy Life style Part I

Flawless Fitness

We all know that in order to live a healthy life we must make healthy lifestyle choices. As a busy single mom , career women and fitness fanatic , I always try to make my choices simple and sustainable. With a crazy schedule like the one I have that balances school field trips and functions with personal training sessions and conference calls, This simple change was perfect for me to incorporate into my daily routine. Remember that in order to be good for anyone else you must first me good to yourself.

Practice Portion Control

Can you reflect back to elementary school when we learned about the food pyramid and the portion plate ? well those facts are still true. Portion Control is key, Manage your plate and you can in turn manage your weight.

Flawless Fit Tip:

keep all your calories on your plate do not add calories by pairing your meal with a sugar filled caloric disaster such as Soda .

For Example: one serving of soda can add 150-250 unwanted calories ! so drink water to keep hydrated and to make those calories count .

Click the link below for an easy to remember Food  and Portion Chart

busy mom

Have any questions or Topic Ideas  that you would like to share?

Then feel free to fill out the form below , I would love to hear from you.



 2014 is starting off with a Huge bang the Re-Launch of Fit Life Fitness Now to be known as FLAWLESS FITNESS LLC. I look forward to headlining This years Fitness Empire here in Mobile, Al. With  all the support of Clients, Family and Friends we are proud to say that we have several events in the making. we are offering a 21 day fitness challenge that begins Monday Jan 13, 2014, you may participate Virtually or on site. For more info Please Fill out the contact form.

Flawless Fitness