
Dreams do come True….

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Happy Thursday to
Everyone….. My oh My it has been sometime since our last post, My apologies to our readers. In the past month I have trained hard , fell out track , got back on track and Got engaged 🙂 Yes Engaged !!!! So now My mission Is to be the fittest Bride to ever grace the Aisle !

If your Big day is approaching here are some Tips and Guides I have been using to be a “Fit Little Bride “

Lift Hard and Heavy …. Yes ladies when lifting weights in the gym don’t be afraid to add the weight on . Heavy weights build lean and clean muscle.

Arm and Back workout

3x 12 Deadlifts

3x 12 Bent-over Rows

3x 12 Single-Arm Cable Row

3x 12 Lat Pulldown

3 x 16 Bicep Barbell Curls

3x 16 Cable Tricep pushdowns

3 x 16 Bicep Preacher Curls

3 x 16 Dumbbell Kickbacks

Cardio Burns Fat …..Its simple the more you move the less you weigh so ladies train those legs in the way that they should go 🙂

Leg and Cardio Circuit

Warm Up

5-minute ride on the recumbent bike

Leg Workout

3 x 12 Barbell Squats

3 x 12-15 Single Leg Squats

3 x 12 Leg Extension

3 x 15 Bridge Leg Curls

3 x 20 Skater Lunges

Cardio (machine of choice)

Warm up with 2 minutes at low resistance
Complete six rounds of:

20 seconds fast with high resistance (Work/High Intensity)

2 minutes of slow with low resistance (Recovery/Low Intensity)

Cool Down

3 minutes on the bike

2 minutes stretching

perfect women

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