
Dreams do come True….

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Happy Thursday to
Everyone….. My oh My it has been sometime since our last post, My apologies to our readers. In the past month I have trained hard , fell out track , got back on track and Got engaged 🙂 Yes Engaged !!!! So now My mission Is to be the fittest Bride to ever grace the Aisle !

If your Big day is approaching here are some Tips and Guides I have been using to be a “Fit Little Bride “

Lift Hard and Heavy …. Yes ladies when lifting weights in the gym don’t be afraid to add the weight on . Heavy weights build lean and clean muscle.

Arm and Back workout

3x 12 Deadlifts

3x 12 Bent-over Rows

3x 12 Single-Arm Cable Row

3x 12 Lat Pulldown

3 x 16 Bicep Barbell Curls

3x 16 Cable Tricep pushdowns

3 x 16 Bicep Preacher Curls

3 x 16 Dumbbell Kickbacks

Cardio Burns Fat …..Its simple the more you move the less you weigh so ladies train those legs in the way that they should go 🙂

Leg and Cardio Circuit

Warm Up

5-minute ride on the recumbent bike

Leg Workout

3 x 12 Barbell Squats

3 x 12-15 Single Leg Squats

3 x 12 Leg Extension

3 x 15 Bridge Leg Curls

3 x 20 Skater Lunges

Cardio (machine of choice)

Warm up with 2 minutes at low resistance
Complete six rounds of:

20 seconds fast with high resistance (Work/High Intensity)

2 minutes of slow with low resistance (Recovery/Low Intensity)

Cool Down

3 minutes on the bike

2 minutes stretching

perfect women

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Flawless Quickie :)

Beautiful behind

Many of us sit at a desk all day long, but in doing so it is important to get up and get active

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Spice up your glute workout and tone your tush by using props, like a chair in this Standing Glute Toner, or using your legs doing kicking movements in this Flying Side Kicks move.

Flawless Fit Tip:

When doing Squats Hold in the squat position for 3 seconds then repeat !!


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March Madness Recipes

Chicken Avocado Burgers

Healthy eating can sometimes be a hassle, and the biggest hurdle to get over is usually the thought of  the food  actually tasting good. Well Rest assure this recipe is sure to get your taste buds rocking in a healthy way of course 🙂


  • 1 pound ground chicken
  • 1 large ripe avocado – cut into chunks
  • ½ cup panko crumbs or other bread crumbs
  • 1 chopped clove of garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Toss the chunks of avocado, breading and garlic together.
  2. Blend mixture into ground chicken being careful not to mush the avocado.
  3. Form into 4-5 patties and grill until done (temp of 165).

Enjoy !!!!


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What Does Flawless Mean to You ?

Being Flawless isn’t about being perfect. Being  Flawless comes from a sense of being the best YOU that YOU can be. To many times are we as women subjected to social media and entertainments perception of beauty.

 And lets all be honest , how many times have you wish to look like the model on the cover of your favorite magazine? To think about it, just yesterday I said to myself ” I wish I had her abs, and her breast.”

We all do it.

Today I challenge to look yourself in the mirror and decide today that you shall be FLAWLESSLY YOU!!!

Be Proud of yourself……..Because again only you can be you.


Ever wondered how cover models look the way they do ?

Click the link below for a video that is sure to blow your mind and make you give yourself a hug 🙂 swimsuit

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