
Spring Is Here!!!

March 20th is the official first day of Spring !!!!


Its time to whip out the flip-flops, Sun Dresses and Tank tops. Along with our more refreshing wardrobe, we can know enjoy some much need fresh air and Sun Light.

Here is a  Flawless Tip : The Sunshine Vitamin

The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is important for growth and maintaining a healthy body.  It is an immune system regulator, and various studies have found that low levels of vitamin D can mean a higher risk developing cancer or suffering a heart attack. There are not many foods that contain vitamin D naturally; eggs and oily fish are notable exceptions. The best and most effective way to receive vitamin D is through sunlight exposure. Sunlight is the only source of vitamin D that your body stops creating when it has enough and de-metabolizes any extra, ensuring you have just the right levels of vitamin D that you need.

* Sun Block is a vital necessity don’t be fooled by your natural skin color Everyone should protect themselves ! Enjoy and Be Safe !!!!


How will you be enjoying this Spring Season ?