parks and recreation

Sexy Six Pack Abs By the Summer

Want a Firm and Molded Core ? Are you ready for that bikini you have always dreamed about ? Well summer is vastly approaching and Spring break is literally around the corner .

What are you doing today to get what you want out of tomorrow?

When it comes to toning our core to build a sexy six pack three things are key.

1.Nutrition : Abs are formed in the Kitchen, eat clean and your body will pay you back for it.

2. Core stimulating exercises : get off the ground and switch things up, crunches and sit -ups are not the only AB targeting exercise.

3. Rest : Proper sleep and rest is essential to over all health, Allow your body to rest and recover with at least 1 day off a week

Here is a quick 10 minute Ab Crusher


Equipment Needed

  • Stability Ball
  • Medicine Ball
  • Bench

Sexy Ab Circuit

  • Stability Ball Pass
  • Pick Pockets
  • Bench Crunch (option: use medicine ball)

Complete 12-15 reps and repeat 3 times.

Click the image for video Instructions


(Pic is of Super Trainer @getfitwithnic)

Like What you see ? Leave  a comment below .

Easy steps to a healthy lifestyle part IIII

Move More

Have you ever had so much to do, but couldn’t manage to pull yourself out of bed ? We all have those days when our to do list alone exhaust us before we even lift a finger. But no matter how we may feel some things  just have to be  taken care of , Right?

So why is that we don’t put the same emphasis on our health and fitness, even when we don’t feel like it we should just “Keep Moving” ! Simple little changes such as parking at the back of the parking lot or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are all quick fixes we have heard before. But I am Challenging you today to try something new whether it is a  new zumba class or just a simple walk thru the neighborhood.

Just Remember to KEEP Moving !!!!


Flawless Fit Tip

Don’t get confined to the gym alone Break out and Try an outdoor fitness class at your local park or take the family for an afternoon walk. Let the fresh air sweep you off your Feet!

Click the Image Below to see fitness classes available  in your town


Have any questions or Topic Ideas  that you would like to share?

Then feel free to fill out the form below , I would love to hear from you.